church of gronk
fantasy football
King Henry Stiffy - 110.12
Mike Vick in a Box - 99.36
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 149.08
Show Me Your TD's - 120.84
Chubby Chasers - 104.50
Winning is a Brees - 102.50
The Jr Varsity - 174.86
Return of the Dak - 138.06
Island of Misfit Toys - 131.72
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 150.68
Natural Lightskins - 111.72
Super Kamario Bros - 155.66
King Henry Stiffy - 131.48
Show Me Your TD's - 108.22
Natural Lightskins - 112.92
Mike Vick in a Box - 137.96
The Jr Varsity - 111.98
Winning is a Brees - 106.22
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 117.30
Return of the Dak - 145.36
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 161.02
Super Kamario Bros - 107.72
Chubby Chasers - 118.54
Island of Misfit Toys - 135.92
King Henry Stiffy - 102.94
Island of Misfit Toys - 149.50
Show Me Your TD's - 173.54
Chubby Chasers - 114.68
Mike Vick in a Box - 95.48
The Jr Varsity - 131.84
Natural Lightskins - 123.14
Winning is a Brees - 102.86
Super Kamario Bros - 126.84
Return of the Dak - 134.64
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 139.46
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 96.64
King Henry Stiffy - 138.42
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 86.72
Show Me Your TD's - 155.48
Natural Lightskins - 142.60
Mike Vick in a Box - 98.82
Super Kamario Bros - 133.40
Winning is a Brees - 95.16
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 164.52
Return of the Dak - 145.64
Island of Misfit Toys - 77.48
The Jr Varsity - 117.40
Chubby Chasers - 164.96
King Henry Stiffy - 189.22
Natural Lightskins - 154.66
Super Kamario Bros - 102.56
Show Me Your TD's - 144.34
Mike Vick in a Box - 173.38
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 107.98
Winning is a Brees - 150.30
Island of Misfit Toys - 159.58
Chubby Chasers - 120.18
Return of the Dak - 167.64
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 106.10
The Jr Varsity - 147.22
King Henry Stiffy - 131.42
Return of the Dak - 128.40
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 118.90
Show Me Your TD's - 116.96
Island of Misfit Toys - 92.30
Mike Vick in a Box - 73.24
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 111.30
Winning is a Brees - 135.66
Natural Lightskins - 95.76
Chubby Chasers - 131.56
The Jr Varsity - 92.72
Super Kamario Bros - 135.76
King Henry Stiffy - 148.34
Super Kamario Bros - 126.74
Mike Vick in a Box - 123.82
Show Me Your TD's - 125.58
Return of the Dak - 108.78
Winning is a Brees - 148.32
Natural Lightskins - 99.24
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 101.40
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 144.44
Chubby Chasers - 148.58
Island of Misfit Toys - 119.02
The Jr Varsity - 123.44
King Henry Stiffy - 101.20
The Jr Varsity - 152.20
Winning is a Brees - 144.92
Show Me Your TD's - 117.04
Return of the Dak - 118.58
Mike Vick in a Box - 106.86
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 148.68
Chubby Chasers - 109.28
Natural Lightskins - 135.30
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 140.04
Island of Misfit Toys - 99.60
Super Kamario Bros - 169.46
King Henry Stiffy - 129.44
Chubby Chasers - 122.74
Show Me Your TD's - 97.08
Return of the Dak - 124.08
Winning is a Brees - 99.16
Mike Vick in a Box - 108.80
The Jr Varsity - 105.98
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 83.54
Natural Lightskins- 83.80
Island of Misfit Toys - 146.08
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 133.96
Super Kamario Bros - 91.30
King Henry Stiffy - 131.10
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 135.98
The Jr Varsity - 147.42
Show Me Your TD's - 106.42
Chubby Chasers - 123.82
Mike Vick in a Box - 62.14
Super Kamario Bros - 78.70
Winning is a Brees - 104.04
Return of the Dak - 114.80
Natural Lightskins - 111.38
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 124.24
Island of Misfit Toys - 98.04
King Henry Stiffy - 222.38
Winning is a Brees - 97.16
Island of Misfit Toys - 95.84
Show Me Your TD's - 99.32
Mike Vick in a Box - 97.58
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 118.36
Return of the Dak - 126.18
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 97.50
Natural Lightskins - 120.60
The Jr Varsity - 147.98
Super Kamario Bros - 123.62
Chubby Chasers - 103.54
King Henry Stiffy - 121.48
Super Kamario Bros - 120.02
Show Me Your TD's - 143.20
Mike Vick in a Box - 92.48
Return of the Dak - 158.14
Winning is a Brees - 109.00
Natural Lightskins - 119.98
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 77.40
The Jr Varsity - 86.46
Island of Misfit Toys - 130.50
Chubby Chasers - 113.30
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 116.58
King Henry Stiffy - 185.08
Mike Vick in a Box - 93.84
Show Me Your TD's - 131.00
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 106.66
Winning is a Brees - 109.50
Chubby Chasers - 106.32
Return of the Dak - 136.42
The Jr Varsity - 124.16
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 132.10
Island of Misfit Toys - 93.22
Super Kamario Bros - 126.02
Natural Lightskins - 91.50
King Henry Stiffy - 155.20
Tannehill's Touching Passdowns - 108.62
Natural Lightskins - 140.44
Show Me Your TD's - 108.22
Super Kamario Bros - 110.12
Mike Vick in a Box - 122.70
HaHa Clintons-SuckDix - 107.72
Winning is a Brees - 135.22
Island of Misfit Toys - 105.04
Return of the Dak - 147.72
Chubby Chasers - 100.58
The Jr Varsity - 98.62